Wow! 好久好久真的好久没update此部落格了....paiseh! 之所以blogging一直停滞不前是因为电脑前阵子被病毒入侵了。一直忙着解毒,岂知越解就越毒,一发不可收拾!只好出绝招,backup and format! 小弟可不是好惹的!Format过后,病毒一一被消灭,斩草除根,焕然一新。嘿嘿!进入正题吧!
Actually, I never think of this will happen on me. Yes, I know there will be either 'restructuring' or 'relocation' happen in this division. I may think too perfectly that I won't be affected or get involved in this! But, I know I'm always not the lucky one. Boss told me that I will be relocated to another division (different company but located under the same roof). Is this a good or bad news?
On listening to this, I was immediately totally speechless and shocked. The reason he told me is that I'm still young, it is pointless to stay in a division which is so unstable currently. He said it brings bigger prospect if I join the division, that means brighter future loh.
I should know that it would be better if I was transferred to the new division and I should feel happier and honoured! However, I'm not. A person who likes to think a lot like me, will never stop pondering why I will be chosen...Of cos, I definitely won't be so stupid to trust on the reason my boss gave (that's I'm still young).
When I told my colleague that I'll be transferred, they were so happy for me. They even asked, why they aren't chosen to be transferred? Haha.... this is funny, maybe, maybe the current division is not 'safe' anymore to continue staying with. However, one question keeps looking for answer in my mind is that, if there is no another company under the same roof that enables me to be relocated, does it mean that I'll be retrenched? Correct or not? It's so normal for me to ponder on this. And, this really makes me feel even unhappy. What I can do now is to persuade myself by using the point that it would bring better or brighter future to me....Every matter has double sides, I'll try my best to look at the brighter side of the coin, hopefully I could...
Sigh, so I din even prepare well the interview the day I had with the Mat Salleh. According to him, there is no 'successing' or 'failing' the interview. The main purpose is to let me know what positions they are having now and which position that I will be fitted in the most. This is the first time I had this kind of interview; you are not applying the position but in fact, they are fixing the position for choice, I'm just like the 肉(五花肉)on the 占板,任人刀俎loh....
Thus, now, 3R worries is getting more and more obvious among the employees in my division. So, the line we all currently use when we meet each other is: 'Sudah dapat surat kah?' Hahaha....