December 4, 2007


光阴似火箭,转眼间一年了...去年的今天是我踏入“利富达”(Revertex)的第一天。依稀记得当天一共有四位newcomer包括我在内。另外三位是实习生,仅有我是'masuk kerja'的。



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Time really flies, we already graduated for one and half years! I also didn't realise that you've been working for one whole year over there!

Still remember the day you resign from Mewah Oil, I called you from ERM office early morning, you were so angry and complaining so loud that even Kok Long sitting next to me can hear your voice.

Soon you'll be transferred to third company of your life!

When I look at jobs ad, I don't know whether I should consider myself as fresh grad (since not much experience) or how. Life is so difficult...