October 10, 2008


给于马来同事的"红包"钱, 今天筹齐. 一共筹得120令吉. 交给鬼佬, 他说120令吉很零零落落. 所以建议筹够150令吉. 我和印度女同事以为他会自掏腰包填补其余的30令吉. 岂知, 他竟然提议去找他的上司(也是另外一个孤寒鬼佬) 来填补那另外的30令吉! 我的天, 惊人的答复的确让我们跌倒! 他真的"咸"到不行! 不能顶, 一定要去"唱衰"他!! Shit him!!


Anonymous said...


bKi@t said...


Hui Hin said...

mat salleh also got their own problems. For instance, if they have children who study in Malaysia, the education fee is very costly for non-Malaysian. Local people also want to gain some profit from Mat Salet. Just forgive them lah.

bKi@t said...

huihin, u are wrong, his daughter has yet started to study... he can always send his children to normal school wat... not necessary to international school! One of the company MD's children, is sent to normal chinese school to study... he can do that as well! A colleague of mine, she contributed RM20 (more than RM16.67), her salary could be only 2k+…. He is facing problem?? Yes, personal problem – STINGY!! Forgive? Forget it!

Yeat Fiou said...

Well, don't always expect bosses to be kind and generous. My boss also damn stingy, we always have to pay for him first for meals and/ or hotels stay(outstation) then only claim back for him. Most of the time I have to be very thick face to ask from him or else most probably won't be able to get back!