January 31, 2008







January 30, 2008


当午夜交正子时,新年钟声敲响,整个中华大地上空,爆竹声震响天宇。在这"岁之元、月之元、时之元"的"三元"时刻,有的地方还在庭院里垒"旺火",以示旺气通天,兴隆繁盛。在熊熊燃烧的旺火周围,孩子们放爆竹,欢乐地活蹦乱跳,这时,屋内是通明的灯火,庭前是灿烂的火花,屋外是震天的响声,把除夕的热闹气氛推向了最高潮。历代的诗人墨客总是以最美好的诗句,赞颂新年的来临。王安石的《元日》诗: 爆竹声中一岁除, 春风送暖人屠苏。 千门万户瞳瞳日。 总把新桃换旧符。


大家放完爆竹回到屋里后的第一件事,就是拜天地、迎神、祭祀祖先。古时,这种礼俗很盛。因各地礼俗的不同,祭祖形式也各异,有的到野外瞻拜祖墓,有的到宗祠拜祖,而大多在家中将祖先牌位依次摆在正厅,陈列供品,然后祭拜者按长幼的顺序上香跪拜。南方人还在祭祖之后,查看历书上所载今年的吉利方向,燃灯笼火把,提壶挈酒,奉香鸣爆竹,开门出行,迎接喜神,称"出天方"或"出行",浙江叫"出寻",上海叫"兜喜神方"。此俗为趋吉、祈求神灵保佑一年百事顺遂。 除夕守岁是整夜不睡、通宵达旦的。是夜,主妇们忙着挂灯结彩,张贴春联,剪窗花,贴年画,红红绿绿把房子装饰得花团锦簇,为节日增添了浓郁的气氛。孩子们最盼望的事也许就是压岁钱了。压岁钱是由长辈发给晚辈的,有的家里是吃完年夜饭后,人人坐在桌旁不许走,等大家都吃完了,由长辈发给晚辈,并勉励儿孙在在新的一年里学习长进,好好做人。

春节早晨,开门大吉,先放爆竹,叫做"开门炮仗"。爆竹声后,碎红满地,灿若云锦,称为"满堂红"。这时满街瑞气,喜气洋洋。 春节期间,各街巷通衢里,大户人家悬灯结彩。街头巷尾,乡里材社,到处百艺杂陈,各献高技,热闹非凡!人们欢天喜地,共庆新春。

January 29, 2008







January 28, 2008

年夜饭 (团年饭)


家庭是华人社会的基石,一年一度的团年饭充分表现出华族家庭成员的互敬互爱,这种互敬互爱使一家人之间的关系更为紧密。家人的团聚往往令一家之主在精神上得到安慰与满足,老人家眼看儿孙满堂,一家大小共叙天伦,过去的关怀与抚养子女所付出的心血总算没有白费,这是何等的幸福。而年轻一辈,也正可以借此机会向父母的养育之恩表达感激之情。 孩子们在玩耍放爆竹的时候,也正是主妇们在厨房里最忙碌的时刻,年菜都在前几天做好了,而年夜饭总要在年三十当天掌厨做出来。在北方,大年初一的饺子也要在三十晚上包出来。这时家家的砧板都在噔噔噔地忙着剁肉、切菜。此时,家家户户传出的砧板声,大街小巷传出的爆竹声,小店铺子传出的"劈劈啪啪"的算盘声和抑扬顿挫的报帐声,再夹杂着处处的说笑声,此起彼伏,洋洋盈耳,交织成除夕欢快的乐章。




January 27, 2008






January 26, 2008

The worst HR dept in the world

I've never realized how inefficient my company HR dept is until the day I was transferred to SSB. In other words, they can be described as "memang tak boleh pakai" as I've heard a lot of dissatisfaction from the SSB employees. If you want to know more detailed, I think my colleagues would be the best person to consult, haha....

Where there is smoke, there is fire. Firstly, they never make any arrangement for those (like me) who are relocated to another company. They should know that employees with RMSB pass card are unable to access to SSB. So, they should do their part in getting them accessible to SSB. I still remembered I called them up during my last day in RMSB. Then only they realized: "Oh ya hoh, you cannot access to Synthomer with your current card hoh..." Walao, faint! Another techinican who is from RMSB and being transferred also, was unable to access to SSB during the first working day in SSB, due to HR's "kerja bodoh" loh. To me, if they are efficient enough, they should make a proper arrangement and get all these things done. (shake head 1)

Not only that, they also promised me that a new SSB pass card will be issued to me once they got my new employee number, and this probably will take 1-week time. Okay, then, after one week I called up the dept and asked for my new pass card. As expected, the card is still not done yet. Reason given, they have not received the employee number and claimed that I will get the card at the end of January. What? This is ridiculous! What is so difficult to get the employee number and issue a new card for me? I really dun understand... (shake head 2)

I just received my very first payment slip yesterday. Again, the company did not deduct Socso payment for me. Last time in RMSB, this issue happened where the company did not apply Socso for me for 10 months! Luckily, there was nothing bad happened on me, touch wood! Now, it reverted back with no Socso. Moreover, they also made mistake on my EPF number, one figure is missing... How can this happen? I strongly believe that they do have all my records in the employee database. For this matter, I again called up HR and surprisingly, they just played "tai chi" and said that the payment slip thing is done by the IT dept manager....What? Then, what is their responsibility in the company? (shake head 3). No wonder there are so many people stigmatize that "HR dept ni macam kaki tangan kerajaan".....

January 21, 2008

穷做工 做工穷




从位好友口中得知,有人竟然有能力在短短的五年内把贷学金偿还完,而且是靠一份微薄的薪水。我的天,真的“猴塞勒”,佩服!佩服!自己当然觉得很是惭愧、没用!还每天抱怨不够钱用啦、穷啦,有的没的! (不过是真的穷嘞!)人家打工,我也打工;有人穷做工,努力拼OT;也有人做工穷,好像我这样。。。哈哈,你又是那一类呢?


January 19, 2008

A Brand New Life for Me

Synthomer Sdn. Bhd. (a.k.a. SSB) is the company I'm currently working with, starting from 1 Jan 2008. This company is just located 200 metres away from my previous company (RMSB) and both companies are sharing the same management system in terms of HR, Finance, Accounts and IT departments. However, there is a vast difference especially in operation wise. A brief introduction of SSB's background are as follows.

The Synthomer group of companies forms part of Yule Catto & Co plc. Synthomer is a world-class supplier of synthetic polymers to industries ranging from paints and adhesives to textiles, speciality papers and plastics. We specialise in polyvinyl acetates, polyvinyl alcohols, acrylic polymers, styrene butadiene latex (SBR and Nitrile) and liquid polybutadienes (Lithene) and offer a broad range of products, created in 10 manufacturing centres.

In Kluang site factory, the main product is NBR which stands for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Rubber latex. It is produced by emulsion polymerisation of acrylonitrile and 1,3-butadiene. This NBR latex is mostly suitable for manufacturing of various types of gloves ranging from household gloves, surgical gloves, examination gloves, fabric supported gloves and etc.

Okay, let's stop all the formal things. Being in the new company for 3 weeks, what I can say is I really need more time to adapt to it. Everything is so new and not familiar to me. For instance, the working environment, the colleagues, the nature of the job as well as the boss.

Kick off with the working environment. Comparatively, I prefer more my previous working office. The main reason is because the new office is so small that it only fits in 4 people including the boss. Yes, the boss is in the same room! OMG, it sucks! This is the only part that fails my "ideal office" criterias. I personally do not like the boss be the same room with me, cos I ought to stay alert all the time in order not being caught "ular". But in terms of stationeries and office utensils, I got bigger desk and colour printer here and I got my own scissors, more pens, own stick and paste and etc....which I did not experience ever when I was in NR.

Next, as mentioned in the previous post, I got two colleagues now. One is an Indian gal; another is a Malay guy. The Indian gal just joined the company for around 1+ years meanwhile the Malay guy joined the company since the commissioning period, about 6 years. Both of them are nice-talkers, can talk a lot of things not only working matters but also some gossips. We exchanged a lot of SSB and RMSB stories and of course we gossiped a lot about the restructuring issue too. The Indian gal has got a very good command in english. I could hardly find grammar mistakes from her speech. Really thumbs up for her english! Owing to have less colleagues now (previously was 6 colleagues), the office is kinda silent compared to the previous one. Previously, I had chance to speak mandarin more often; but now, it turns opposite due to no chinese colleague here. Nvm, I would take it as a good chance for me to polish up my english in order to deal with the MatSalleh boss.

Last but not least, it is about the MatSalleh boss. I only managed to meet him up at the 3rd week of Jan. The first two weeks he was outstation in KL since December. Basically, he is a British, last time was working in Synthomer UK and then was relocated to Kluang since 2002. Undeniably, he is a good-looking guy but unfortunately, he is considered short (about my height). OMG! His english sucks! I could hardly understand his english! Sometimes, I just don know whether he is talking to me or to the others. Compared to other MatSalleh, his slang is totally different, his is greatly thick! My colleagues told me that he came from a "kampung" area in the UK so that's why his english is not easily understandable. They also took time to adapt to his english and I hope I manage to....I think I need to watch more James Bond 007 movies....

Already 3 weeks, nope, going to be the 4th week in the new company, I still don get my own PC! My boss told me that I will be using the Inidan gal's dekstop and one more laptop will be issued to her. But, when will he do that? How long will it take to get the laptop ready? He must know how low the IT department's efficency is! As long as the laptop is not ready, I will have no PC to use.... the life without PC really suffers and boring to death! When other departments colleagues saw there is no PC on my desk still, they were so shocked and said: "Boon Kiat, so kesian! Where is ur PC? Ur PC still not here ah?" Aiyoh, what can I do? It is beyond my control....Even my colleague has been informing my boss that I still have yet got my PC. Sigh! My boss dissappears again to KL starting from next week and left a big question mark for my PC....

January 12, 2008


This is the 12th day of the year of 2008 and yet this is my very first post of the year, so late! Haha.... Yes, I admit that I'm getting lazier and lazier to keep this blog updated with my current life... paiseh! Anyway, Happy New Year 2008! Sounds so belated, not sincere at all! Haha....

Okay, would like to apologize to those who always log in my blog and nothing is being updated... So, now, for this reason, I posted this... (sounds so "fake") :p Hence, pls don complain anymore. I promise, more to come, yes, more will be on my new job, new colleagues, new environment and also the new Mat Salleh boss, maybe? Just stay tuned....