December 31, 2007




一大清早,老板就下令将办公室重新摆设。第一道命令就是把我坐的那张桌子给搬掉!哇唠!好歹也让我有桌有椅地渡过最后一天!闲!一日之计在于晨,老板也一大清早讲了个“赶人”的故事。同事们也趁此机会大扫除一番,清理桌椅、橱柜、书架等。。。灰尘满天飞!搬搬抬抬了一番,所谓的“重新摆设”并不到位,反而是摆回我还没进公司之前的摆设。。。哈哈!所以我说:back to the original arrangement, back to original people also... :P




左图:我 & Kak Zu

中图:我 & Mr. Loh

右图:我 & Kak Normah

左图:我 & 俪频

右图:我 & Mr. Leng

左图:我 & Kelvin (老板)

右图:我 & 念怡


December 28, 2007

2007 总结

今天终于都“清除”剩余的半天年假。另外的十天年假,明年再对付你,把你变成花花绿绿的钞票!呵呵... (不行,这样说会被人扁的!)说是半天,却一点多才回家,因突然有些事耽搁了。好了,是时候做个总结,2007年的我到底做了哪些事...

一月在新公司的第二个月,带着2天的年假来到。基本上,还是“十下十下”的;月尾,赚到了一本五年的护照。首次出国(新加坡除外), 去了泰国公干。干!噩梦!Culture shock! 而且还是坐车从居銮到合艾!屁股平了不少!

二月Culture shock 延伸到二月头;许伟伦的逝世,令人惋惜!过年了,今年红包大大缩水!




六月暗示老板confirmation status.... 老板装傻,再被拖多一个月,geram! JKH427的诞生,也意味着贫穷日子的开始...

七月期待已久的越南之旅!筹备了好久.... 终于都来了!超值超级棒的五天四夜河内与下龙湾之旅。详情 多谢奕洁和艳秋的精心安排。当然,也少不了爱青、悦慧和Edmund,让我有个难忘的越南之旅。第一次在国外渡生日,感觉独特!也是第一次搭飞机。

八月又到了泰国,这次是去Audit,culture shock不会再有第二次... 没啥特别,还蛮闷的。


十月3R顾虑的开始... 谣言满天飞,人心惶惶... 改组?合并?换血?裁员?;一代赌王“林梧桐”逝世。

十一月莹庆生于JB红盒,彼此好久不见,大家都是老样子。当天唱得好尽兴,玩得好疯!期待下次重逢的日子!2007 梁静茹全新专辑《崇拜》发行,好听好听!

十二月多事之月。一、NR的重整,殃及自己,经过两轮的面试,终于尘埃落定,bye-bye NR。二、公司70周年庆典+家庭日在A' Famosa Resort。110份奖品,竟然无一是囊中物!三、旧地重游-金马仑,最享受的还是气候。四、谣言继续飞,NR将面临第二轮的“地震”?无人晓,拭目以待。总觉得“余震”还继续着...

December 26, 2007





















December 16, 2007

70th Anniversary + Family Day 2007

This is my first time to join Revertex & Synthomer's Family Day and Annual Dinner. It was held in A' Famosa Resort Malaysia from 13-14 Dec. Altogether around 987 people (employees + their family members) joined this event. What a big crowd!

13/12/07 - Animal Safari World + Annual Dinner

Since my colleagues (two anak dara) and I decided to car pool to the event so we did not take company bus to A' Famosa Resort. We departed from Kluang around 9.30am and by the time we reached A' Famosa Resort, it was around 11 o'clock in the morning. Animal Safari World is located on 150 acres of pristine surroundings, an amazing wildlife Safari that houses over 150 of the finest species from the animal kingdom. Owing to being late, we missed the first animal show - Elephant Show. We just managed to catch up the second show - Multi Animal Show but only towards the end part. Sigh.... However, I heard the shows are almost the same as the one in SG Zoo. To me, I think SG Zoo's one will be better gua...Hahaha.... Thus, I did not feel any dissappointment when I missed the shows. After the show, we all moved to one of the in-house restaurant to have lunch. The pathway was congested with Revertex and Synthomer people. Tourists coming from other places would definitely feel HATE on this because 900+ people were moving about them. Hahaha.... Nasib dia orang loh.... :P

After taking the "so-so" lunch, we proced to another show called Wild Wild West. Basically, it was a "stunt show" which narrates a fight between the orang sakai and the cowboy. The performers of the show did several risky stunts, played around guns and pistols. Of course, it contains also some humorous scenes to attract kids' attention. The show ended at about 3.00pm. Afterwards, we went to explore the magic of wildlife habitats and environment in the safari trucks. It was a bumpy ride due to the uneven pathway. To me, the ride was not aimed to explore to the wildlife but more to "indulging" dust all the way. The trucks moved so fast that we could not manage to take any photos. Little dissappointment here. After that, it was check-in time at 4pm.

The grand dinner started at 7.30pm. The agenda kicked off with the CEO's speech. During his speech, he distributed rubber ducky toys to all the children who are 12 years old and below. Following that was the makan time, it was buffet-styled dinner. We are Malaysians, rebut-merebut is a normal practice in such an event. Luckily, I still managed to take what I wanted that night. A total of 110 prizes (vouchers), ranging from RM50 to RM5000, were given away. At first, I kept praying so that I won't be called out in the early stage. But then, as time goes by, I started to get worried, I kept crossing my finger that "Ng Boon Kiat" is being called out from the MC! For this purpose, I wore red shirt and even red "te-ko" in order to bring "Ong" to myself. Finally, the grand prize of RM5000 Court's Mammoth voucher went to one of the HR personnels, and I knew that wearing the red shirt and red "te-ko" were useless! Shit! No luck at all!

14/12/07 - Water World + Cowboy Town

After having breakfast in the clubhouse, we went to Water World but not to play water. We went to the souvenir shop for shopping. Since I spent more than RM10 in the shop, I was given a chance to take photo with the Golden Phython (ular sawar emas). I purposedly forced my colleague to take the photo together. She was so scared that she kept "picit" my hand. Feel very sorry for her because I know she is scared of snakes very much. Anyway, new experience for both of us.

Next, we went to the Cowboy Town which opens only after 4pm. We went to watch 4D movie there. One ticket costs us RM20! Not only that, the movie was 10+ minutes only! What an expensive movie, right?! It was my first time to watch 4D movie, I find it so interesting and wonderful. Too bad, it is too costly, I think it won't be second time for me in the future. After taking some photos in the Cowboy Town, we left A' Famosa Resort, heading back to Kluang.
~~Happy 70th Birthday, Revertex!~~

December 4, 2007


光阴似火箭,转眼间一年了...去年的今天是我踏入“利富达”(Revertex)的第一天。依稀记得当天一共有四位newcomer包括我在内。另外三位是实习生,仅有我是'masuk kerja'的。



December 1, 2007

人为刀俎 我为鱼肉

Wow! 好久好久真的好久没update此部落格了....paiseh! 之所以blogging一直停滞不前是因为电脑前阵子被病毒入侵了。一直忙着解毒,岂知越解就越毒,一发不可收拾!只好出绝招,backup and format! 小弟可不是好惹的!Format过后,病毒一一被消灭,斩草除根,焕然一新。嘿嘿!进入正题吧!

Actually, I never think of this will happen on me. Yes, I know there will be either 'restructuring' or 'relocation' happen in this division. I may think too perfectly that I won't be affected or get involved in this! But, I know I'm always not the lucky one. Boss told me that I will be relocated to another division (different company but located under the same roof). Is this a good or bad news?

On listening to this, I was immediately totally speechless and shocked. The reason he told me is that I'm still young, it is pointless to stay in a division which is so unstable currently. He said it brings bigger prospect if I join the division, that means brighter future loh.

I should know that it would be better if I was transferred to the new division and I should feel happier and honoured! However, I'm not. A person who likes to think a lot like me, will never stop pondering why I will be chosen...Of cos, I definitely won't be so stupid to trust on the reason my boss gave (that's I'm still young).

When I told my colleague that I'll be transferred, they were so happy for me. They even asked, why they aren't chosen to be transferred? Haha.... this is funny, maybe, maybe the current division is not 'safe' anymore to continue staying with. However, one question keeps looking for answer in my mind is that, if there is no another company under the same roof that enables me to be relocated, does it mean that I'll be retrenched? Correct or not? It's so normal for me to ponder on this. And, this really makes me feel even unhappy. What I can do now is to persuade myself by using the point that it would bring better or brighter future to me....Every matter has double sides, I'll try my best to look at the brighter side of the coin, hopefully I could...

Sigh, so I din even prepare well the interview the day I had with the Mat Salleh. According to him, there is no 'successing' or 'failing' the interview. The main purpose is to let me know what positions they are having now and which position that I will be fitted in the most. This is the first time I had this kind of interview; you are not applying the position but in fact, they are fixing the position for choice, I'm just like the 肉(五花肉)on the 占板,任人刀俎loh....

Thus, now, 3R worries is getting more and more obvious among the employees in my division. So, the line we all currently use when we meet each other is: 'Sudah dapat surat kah?' Hahaha....