July 26, 2009


一切都因为一个字所造成的,这个字导致我的部落格idle了非常非常久。懒筋从没被挑掉的我,香港之旅Part 2迟迟出不来,真的无药可救!有人说笨人没药医,我却觉得“懒”人才是!我,没得救了~~~ 既然雯叫到了,当然给足面子,更何况今天是小弟的大日子,无论如何也得“勤劳”些,动动脑筋,写写东西。


晚餐时分,跟老妈子到福联广场的Sushi King用餐。因为老妈子没吃过,所以就带她去试试看。我们两人都吃得很饱,很满足,一共花了RM50左右。Ok啦,久久一次,随便啦!

好久没吃Secret Recipe的蛋糕了,下午survey了一番种种口味,决定买份"chocolate indulgence"来宠一宠自己。但是,最后买到的是"chocolate cheese"(右图),有些扫兴!无鱼虾也好啦!

June 22, 2009

澳门-香港之旅 Part 1

十个月前买的机票终于派上用场, 苦等了那么久, 这一天终于到来! 由于原本的班机AK56被取消,我们必须乘搭早一趟的班机AK52, 结果早上5点左右已到达LCCT, 真累! 累归累, 但心中喜悦又期盼的心情却是非笔墨能形容.

澳门 (100609 - 110609)
经过约三个小时多的飞行, 我们终于着陆澳门国际机场. 天气预测还蛮准确的, 从机场到Emperor Hotel途中, 竟天不作美下起了倾盆大雨, 真是扫兴! Check-in酒店后已是午餐时间. 所以大伙决定在酒店附近jalan-jalan cari makan. 不记得在哪一条街了, 有好几间的"茶餐厅". 在我们犹豫要进哪间的当儿, 其中一间拉客的安娣竟然诋毁其他餐厅的食物不好吃啦, 贵啦, 不值得啦... bla... bla... bla..., 试着"说服"我们到她家的餐厅用餐. 由于她这令人讨厌的行为, 我们决定到隔壁的餐厅医肚子. 菜单送到, 放眼一看... 哇, 还真的不便宜呢! 一份套餐至少都 HKD 29 (约RM 14). 我叫了一份"洋葱猪扒蛋饭" + 一杯"冻奶茶". 疏忽的我竟然没察觉到, 任何冷饮都必须多付HKD 2, 结果被悦慧从澳门取笑到香港!

左: 冻奶茶 - 就是这杯多付HKD 2; 也是最后一杯

右: 洋葱猪扒蛋饭 - 味道"妈妈得"

饱餐一顿后, 就往第一站出发咯! 由于是 free and easy, 我们最最需要的就是地图. 从澳门旅游中心得到地图后, 就前往大三巴出发. 沿途, 我们也经过澳门的地标之一"盛世莲花", 由于下着雨, 我们并没有待多久, 匆匆拍了几张无人照片便离开. 锁定大三巴位置后, 大伙便乘搭巴士到目的地. 车票为HKD3.20/趟.

左: 盛世莲花 - 我称它为金紫荆"迷你版"

右: 绿草青青, 脚下留情 (Edmund's foot)

大三巴牌坊,其正式名称为圣保罗大教堂遗址,一般称为大三巴或牌坊,是澳门天主之母教堂(圣保禄教堂)正面前壁的遗址。大三巴牌坊是澳门的标志性建筑物之一,同时也为“澳门八景”之一。在未到达大三巴前, 澳门的著名饼家"钜记"到处可见. 他们从不吝啬让顾客试吃, 因为所试吃的杏仁饼是完整粒的, 不是碎粒. 果真, 他们的杏仁饼的确美味. 大三巴邻近建筑还有耶稣会纪念广场, 澳门博物馆与墓室大炮台. 当地天气实在炎热, 我们个个都走得汗流浃背.

夜幕低垂, 正是我们到"维尼斯人"的时候. 一路乘搭免费的维尼斯人巴士, 澳门叹为观止的夜景尽收眼帘. 尤其是酒店赌场的灯饰, 令到我和悦慧沿途哇哇声不断! 澳门维尼斯人度假村集大型博彩娱乐, 会展, 酒店及表演, 购物, 饮食元素于一体. 它以西方建筑式作为外观, 若拿去骗人说是某某西方国家的建筑物都会有人相信, 因为实在太富丽堂皇了. 里面的赌场也非常有规模, 绝对不像云顶那般拥挤, 吵杂, 臭气熏天等...

March 1, 2009

Spot the Difference - Current vs Before

Following are the combination photos of myself and some of my UM 'kaki's. The left hand side was taken during the reunion dinner on 7th Feb 09 (Current) whilst the right hand one was shot long time ago, which was in 2006 (before). So, who has made the biggest difference and who is still in the old shape??

Apparently, fleshier face now with more fashionable specs and hairstyle. Don't u think so? Kakakaka..... Basically, have already put on weight of nearly 7-8kgs. Dahsyat!

Obviously, look more matured (can i say auntie? hahaa...) Increase of nearly 20% flesh on the face, changed hairstyle and also specs. Overall, getting better life after working! Hahaha.....

Another having better life after working.. (sorry!) . Look darker (or due of lighting problem)? Getting to know more on "decorating" herself with more stylish dress and hairstyle as well...

Definitely look prettier after start working, with smaller face now (i guess?) Not much changes on her except with longer hair now.

Still so skinny as before, maybe due to everyday climb up and down 5 storeys apartment? Same hairstyle, same height (of cos!), same weight? (dunno? never hug before... XD)

As small-sized as before although still big feed with rice as before (i guess?). However, definitely now with more attractive dresses. Last time looked more like "xiao mei mei". :P

Physically look the same, as skinny as before. But, he claimed that has gained weight of approx. 10kgs! Of cos, not on the face... at other hidden parts?? Hahaha... XD

Has the least physical change among us but still look as pretty. :)

February 28, 2009

团圆饭 7 Feb 09






January 18, 2009

Company Presentation

Just attended the company presentation last Monday. It is extraordinary the company to have company briefing before Q1 of 2009. But, anything can happen anytime and anywhere. A solid example is, none of the leftover 2008 annual leave could be refunded as salary after a very SUDDEN memo released by the HR department!

This company briefing is undoubtedly having "financial" smell. As usual, it was presented by the CEO of the company. In this briefing, he presented the performance of both companies. Again, Synthomer contributed the most earnings in 2008. However, the figure was still great far away from the targeted value. Overall, the companies' performance was not "so bad" last year due to the economic recession happened in September 2008.

Apart from that, he also announced that the management will be implementing all kinds of "cost saving" measures in 2009 and thus it will be a hard year ahead. As for others, there will be a MODEST increase for the employees, starting from January for executive and staff levels. For managers and above, the increment will only be effective after April 2009. Bonus, yeah, there will be, however, likely to be SMALL! Sigh.... Moreover, a total plant shutdown during the CNY week will also be implemented. Following of this, the employees are, of course, forced to take leave during the week....

In a nutshell, this presentation can be concluded with 6 words: cut cost, modest increase, small bonus